Thursday, February 5, 2009

So when Reminton was about a year and a half old I had to take him to the hospital for him violantly throwing up for 3 days and not getting better. They did an x-ray of his belly because when the ER doc felt his belly he said it felt bloated...too bloated. So the x-ray showed a bunch of bubbles in his tummy and diagnosed it and treated it with medicine and he was better a day later. BUT...they also found in the x-ray a "supra umbilicle hernia." The dr said it's normal, especially in boys. He said it should just go away but if it doesn't by the age of 2 then I should get it checked again. Well, when he was 2 I checked it as best I could but I didn't feel anything and he never complained of tummy pain or anything so I left it alone. When he was getting ready to go to kindergarten he had a check up that they require. Remington's pediatrician was feeling his tummy...just checking him out...and found the hernia. It had not gone away. The Dr said that usually they go away by 2 but it doesn't seem to be bothering him or hurting him so let's give it more time to go away. So I had no concern. Then he told me that the only time to be concerned is if it's poking out when he is standing or sitting normal. I guess I need to explain how you could see it then. you know when you are laying down and when you go to sit up your belly muscles flex? Well...when Remington would lay down he looked normal, but when sitting up while using his belly muscles, he would have this little bump poke out just above his belly button. Now that little bump is poking out with out flexing. So...time to be concerned. I called and they told me to bring him in. I made an appt for him Tuesday. I have a feeling we will be doing an x-ray. Remington heard me talking to the dr about surgery and he started freaking out. I explained to him that this dr appt is to see what we need to do. I told him IF he had to have surgery we would talk about it and I promised him he would be ok. He seemed to be ok and hasn't mentioned it since. I figure if he does have to go to surgery, I will take him to Primary childrens. They have like a class you can take your child to before surgery so they can learn all about it and play with all the things they will use and stuff like that. Meet the Dr and learn stuff. I'm hoping he won't need it, but I'd also rather get it out now then have it cause problems later. So I will keep you updated on that.
So, still no baby yet. I started taking CLOMID. It's a fertility pill. I'm taking the lowest dose...just to see how it works. I also have to test my ovulation. I am thats a good sign. Hopefully this will help the process out. It's weird to think that if we would have gotten pregnant back when we started trying...I could have a new born by now! :) But I know things will happen when they should.
I am throwing Emmie a shower this Saturday. I'm so excited! Chocolate fountains and PINK stuff! YEAH! I got her the cutest stuff for a present. Shopping for girls is so fun...but it gets scary cause you ALWAYS want to buy stuff. When I'm at the store I always seem to want to get McHailee clothes and shoes more then Remington. With Remington it's always like games and stuff cause that's what we do together.
I've been thinking that with this next baby...I want to keep the sex of the baby secret. Like I don't want to know. Cause I have both boys and a might be kinda fun. Although, if it's a boy, I'm kinda screwed. I have NO boy things. I kept nothing of Remingtons... #1 because I never wanted any more kids and #2 cause I had no way of taking all his stuff anyway with all the moving I did. My mother in law says she thinks that if it is a boy, I should have a shower. But I'd feel kinda stupid. People thinking..."umm...she already has kids, why is she having a shower??" I just don't want people to think they have to buy stuff for me after I have kids. I don't know...ya know? I guess we will see how things go.
I will write more later. I'm pretty proud of myself for writing 2 days in a row! :)


Anonymous said...

Ouch! That sounds scary about the hernia thing. Hopefully they won't have to do surgery. I'm glad you're taking him to Primary's. They're the best. Sierra has a big birth mark on her back that looks like a huge bruise. She had it when she was born and they first told me it was from pulling her out. When it didn't go away, I took her to my dermatologist and he said if it ever sees the sun, it would turn into cancer. That really freaked me out. I thought I should get a second opinion so I went to Primary's and they're like, "It's just a Mongolian spot. They usually fade and it is not harmful at all." I'm so glad I took her there cause they are the best! Good luck with the baby shower. Those are so much fun! I don't think it would be an issue at all if you were having a boy to have another baby shower. People would totally understand.

Anonymous said...

I really hope that Remington does not need surgery, and as much as I've tried I still am worrying about it! (I am a total worry wart!) I'm just glad it's not hurting him though.

Unknown said...

I had a shower with Nicholas, but I never had one with the girls. Showers are always a good idea even if you had 6 kids.
So sorry to hear about Remi hope his doctors appointment goes well, Nicholas was suppose to have surgery on his ears and I was terrified luckily his tubes finally started to drain on there own, any surgery big or small is soo scary for a mom. keep me updated.

Emmie Lue said...

OK Jaime you are retarded. You are throwing ME a shower for baby #3 why couldn't you have one for your baby #3 what is the difference? You may already have a boy but when you need stuff you need stuff no one is going to think you are stupid for asking for the help. At least I hope not cause if they do I am going to feel really dumb tomorrow. :0) Thanks BTW I am SO excited! And I get to see my Jaime! Did you ever get a hold of Brie? I tried leaving her a message but nothing... Is there anything else my mom can do to help?
I am sorry to hear about Remington! I didn't know he had that. I am sure everything is going to turn out just fine! I know it's hard though when things go wrong with your kids. You heard about Jack, I am hoping he doesn't have to have a biopsy and Gage has his 6 week appointment at the orthopedic Dr Monday to measure his legs. Let me know how it goes Tuesday!