Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Girls night...woot woot!

Emmie, Annie, Whitney, Marissa, ME, and Brandy!

 it is...I like to call this one "8 seconds!"

This would be the cowboy who was inconspicuously winking at Annie...she won't admit it, but I think she liked it! Lol, just kidding Annie! This "Rascal Flatt", thought he should be a part of our pics at dinner and I thought he should be in a barn cuddling with some sheep but since I assumed he'd just got done doing that(which is why he was so hungry) I let him get in on a few pics! :)

So we started our night at Chilis...where there were some fun pics taken of us girls...I warned Marissa that I was going to post the pic of the wasted styrofome that she just HAD to have but didn't it is folks...and as you can tell she really didnt' care...she was "peace-ing" the wasting! lol. just kidding!!! Love you Mo!

Well, after some dinner and laughter and music (provided by my lovely chip tambourine-ing) we headed back to my house to drop Brandy off so she could get home to her beautiful new baby girl! We missed her the rest of the night. :)

We then took a vote on bowling! That's right bowling! Where I seemed to get my very first score under 100 since I was like 9 years old. I've been on a bowling league every year since I was 8 years old and haven't been on one since I met Mikey. Too busy! :) Well, it showed! Oh well, I was goofing off so much that I don't even think I was paying attention to bowling! Ok Ok, so before I get into the bowling, we knew we were going back to my house after bowling so we wanted some snacks. Where else can you go and get everything you need plus be complete weirdo's and not get judged cause you fit right in? WALLY WORLD....or better known as Wal Mart! We got candy GALORE! MMM! I was so excited to get candy...I even did a jig! (althought the in the pic you can't quite make out that that's what I was doing!lol) We may have then...stumbled upon...well, some hunting hats...and well....I may have...or not...ok I did...put one on...and then Whit may have talked me into putting on a carhart jumpsuit thingy...and there may have been some pics...not really sure...ok I'm sure...there were pics...but I wasn't in them...ok I was in them a little...but just my foot...ok not just my foot...there was my face too...and maybe my body...but I wasn't wearing the hat...oh wait I already told you I was wearing the hat...dang it! :) Well...after that fun little pictures for bribery were made. Annie decided she wanted some slippers. And being the cute little shrimp she is, her wee little toes fit in all kinds of little girl slippers. It was hilarious! But we convinced her that not all of us have dwarf feet and so we settled on some cute furry boot slippers that we all got and each with a different color! So cute! We wore them the rest of the night. Ok, one more wal mart story, then I'll be done...promise! Annie and Emmie were several feet away and were looking so cute, so I wanted to take a pic of them. I was holding the camera all ready and a lady walked in front of me and apologized for getting in the way. So...(now that my hubby has got me in to quick comebacks) I said...."oh, it's ok! I don't even know them!" The lady was pretty creeped out! It was so funny! I think so funny that Whitney had gotten the hiccups...which apparantly she gets when she laughs really hard. She had them all night so you know we had fun! :)

Ok, enough of wally world. We got to the bowling alley and had fun just talking and waiting for our lane. Then the lights went out and the music began! I may have been the only one dancing and shakin' it! :) It was pretty loud and hard to talk in there but I still managed to get some cute pics and probably embarrass all of the girls by yelling out their nick-names that they put on the score board. Dang Marissa wouldn't bowl...Dang you girly! It's ok, I still got to have fun with was like us back in high school...we were always doing silly voices and making fun of eachother. She cracks me up! We got done bowling and waited for Meg's to meet us there. As were were conversing when she got there, I then might have been a little hyper-active...such as...dancing, jumping, welcoming those who came in and thanking those who came out. Yep...greeter! :)
Then we went to my house to play a few games and talk. Whit, Marissa, and I had alot to catch up on with people from school. It's pretty cool to hear where people are now and how they are doing. Remembering the good ol' days. Meg's and her sis and cousin left around 11ish and Marissa and Whit left around Midnight or so and Crystal and her mom showed up about 1:00ish. They were at a party that night and were so sweet to stop by on their way home just to say hi. I love them so very much! Emmie and Annie stayed the night. SLEEPOVER! (and sorry boys, no pillow fights...or were there?) lol

We stayed up until about 3:00 ish and I had to be to my friend Erica and Anthony's house to pick them up to take them to the airport at 4:00. Needless to say I slept for about 1/2 hour on and off. I was pretty tired Sunday. Annie got up and left around 9 and Emmie and I had a wonderful gourmet breakfast of some sweet eggo waffles! :)

All in all it was one of the best girls nights ever! I love being with girls that I can be myself...and myself is pretty crazy! Why not have fun. I have the best life with my family and my friends and I'm not going to regret not living that life with them to it's fullest! :)


Whit said...

I had such a great night!!! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it!!!

Love ya!

Geena said...

Woohoo welcome to blog life!! :) I miss you! I hope you had a great girls night! Ive been a little hermit lately, but we should go out soon! :P

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a TON of fun!