Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why can't I blog?

Is it really that hard to come on here a couple times a week to put something on here? Apparently! I have been reading other blogs and think to myself, why can't I do this?? Why can't I blog normally like everyone else? I have had a couple close friends of mine start a blog or revamp their blogs and I love it! I think that I am going to do the same. I have a hard time keeping a journal. I started to write in it at night when Mike would be out of town. I would write things about my past and how I got to where I am today. I have written a lot and I think I might be at age 5! lol. I guess that's what you get with a crazy past. I have this friend who bases her posts off of subjects. Not just ranting, like I'm doing. She does a few rants, but mostly, they have themes to them. So, here is to me, and writing my "revamped" blog! :)

1 comment:

Emmie Lue said...

looking forward to it love! <3